This was recorded from a live presentation at the Ottawa local Chapter of Professional Engineers on November 21st.
In Casey's presentation he talks about what is a passive house, what he learned from his experience and how that differed from common wisdom.
After the 18 minute mark Casey starts taking questions, we do have a video version of the presentation you can switch to, but we've included the questions below with the time code for the audio version.
see youtube video here:
18:41 What's so important with the overhangs?
23:20 Did you have thermal panels to produce hot water?
23:30 Why didn't you take advantage of solar heating?
24:35 Did you consider building LEED Certified?
25:10 Clarification if Casey was using Air Source Heat Pumps
25:30 What was the COP on the Air Source Heat Pump
25:40 What kind of refridgerant?
27:06 Did you put blinds on the windows to control the temperature?
28:06 Can you comment on the use of spray foam?
29:17 What was the total cost of the project?
In Casey's presentation he talks about what is a passive house, what he learned from his experience and how that differed from common wisdom.
After the 18 minute mark Casey starts taking questions, we do have a video version of the presentation you can switch to, but we've included the questions below with the time code for the audio version.
see youtube video here:
18:41 What's so important with the overhangs?
23:20 Did you have thermal panels to produce hot water?
23:30 Why didn't you take advantage of solar heating?
24:35 Did you consider building LEED Certified?
25:10 Clarification if Casey was using Air Source Heat Pumps
25:30 What was the COP on the Air Source Heat Pump
25:40 What kind of refridgerant?
27:06 Did you put blinds on the windows to control the temperature?
28:06 Can you comment on the use of spray foam?
29:17 What was the total cost of the project?